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How to make the presentation private on cloud server?

Uploading the presentation to Focusky cloud server is really awesome. But I don't want to make my presentation public on cloud server, what should I do?

Focusky allows users to publish in multiple formats for viewing online and offline. Publishing the presentation to cloud server is an effective way to view it online. But sometimes, we may not want others to view the presentation. Then here is the tutorial to show you how to make the presentation private when publishing to Focusky cloud server.

Check the video tutorial:

Step 1Edit presentation and click "Publish".

private setting on cloud

Step 2 Make the presentation private on cloud.

Click "Publish to Cloud", then enter into cloud settings window. If you want to make presentation private, just don't select "Public".

Step 3Click "Publish" to continue publishing presentation.

private setting on cloud
