Company Structure Presentation Template

Based on 3D zooming canvas, this company structure template is featured by blue gradient background and concise flat design. Non-linear presenting style ensures a smooth transition (zooming, panning, rotating) of presentation paths. Simply customize with your own text, images, shapes, you can create awesome visual experience for your audiences within minutes.

As you are ready to make an engaging company structure presentation, Focusky inspires you to take full advantage of Mind Map feature to display clear structure of departmental relationship. Rich Mind Map subject library will satisfy your needs to create stylish company team management structure. Click Add Node icon can add branch topic and subtopics, then input your text contents and customize Mind Map appearance settings, after easy steps you can have an eye-catching, professional structure design to showcase company leadership in presentation. This Mind Map supports Automatic Arrangement.

Moreover, Focusky presentation creator provides built-in dynamic characters, rich image library and well-designed content layout for you to beautify presentation contents efficiently. Amazingly, you can give record and caption in presentation to present better. Explanatory texts help audiences understand your contents well.

Keywords: company structure PPT template, leadership presentation, management team introduce, business presentation

How to use this template in Focusky?

1. Download Focusky presentation software and install in your computer(supports both Windows and Mac device). The presentation software contains 1,000+ free presentation templates for nearly all topics and industries.

2. Pick a template you want from the software interface. You can also enter keywords in the search box in the upper right corner of software and find a suitable template for your topics.

3. Edit the template in Focusky and make your own presentation with ease.