Free Insurance Marketing Presentation Template

Background images, layout, text placement, fonts and colors schemes all follow the same style, which makes this presentation look consistent. You have the freedom to upload your own background image or select one stock background image. Apart from background images, a video background is also supported. There are a variety of themes that are a predefined combination of color schemes, fonts, and styles. Click to apply any theme to give your entire presentation a consistent, professional look quickly. It is easy for you to customize these themes.

Free to change default elements including font styles, background color and frame color. Play around with preset frame layouts and content layouts to arrange contents in a beautiful way, improving the clarity and readability of the content. If the preset layout do not fit your exact need, drag and drop frames and other elements in any position you like. Or resize the elements with simple click to make a layout design you want.

Keywords: insurance marketing, insurance agents, insurance business slideshow, online reviews, social media marketing

How to use this template in Focusky?

1. Download Focusky presentation software and install in your computer(supports both Windows and Mac device). The presentation software contains 1,000+ free presentation templates for nearly all topics and industries.

2. Pick a template you want from the software interface. You can also enter keywords in the search box in the upper right corner of software and find a suitable template for your topics.

3. Edit the template in Focusky and make your own presentation with ease.