Publish Presentation

There are 8 options for users to publish the awesome presentation: Publish to cloud, Windows Application (*.exe), Video (*.mp4), Web Page (*.html), Mac OSX Application, Archive (*.zip), Mobile Type (*.mfs) and Publish to PDF.



Publish to Cloud

Click "Publish to Cloud" button -- Customize the output settings -- Click "Publish"

(1) Customize the title, modify the presentation or not and make it public or not.

(2) Category: select a suitable category for presentation.

(3) Option Settings: customize the pre-loader, share, about and exhibition settings.

(4) Advanced Option: fill in the keywords and description for the presentation.



Windows Application (.exe)

Click "Windows Application" button -- Customize the output settings -- Click "Publish"

(1) Customize the folder to save the file and the tile of Exe presentation.

(2) Define the share, about and exhibition settings.

(3) Advanced Option: Customize the window size when open Exe file.



Video (*.mp4)

Click "Video" button -- Customize video settings -- Click "Publish"

Advanced Option

(1) Video size: 5 video sizes for choosing; the larger video size you choose, the larger file size of video you will have.

(2) Path Duration (seconds): customize the time that stays on the path.

(3) Background Music: Insert background music for your video presentation.



Web Page (*.html)

Click "Web Page" button -- Customize the output settings -- Click "Publish"

(1) Customize the output folder and HTML title of presentation.

(2) Customize Pre-loader, share, about and exhibition settings.

(3) Advanced Option: customize the keywords and description of presentation for SEO friendly.



Mac OSX Application

This is an output format for viewing the presentation on Mac OS.

(1) Customize the output folder and title of presentation.

(2) Customize the Share button, About button and Exhibitions settings.

(3) Advanced Option: Customize the Window size when opening the application.



Archive (*.zip)

Click "Archive (*.zip) " button -- Customize the output settings -- Click "Publish"

(1) Select the direction to publish the presentation archive file.

(2) Define Pre-loader, share button, about button and exhibition settings.

(3) Advanced Option: Input the keywords and description of presentation.



Mobile Type (*.mfs)

Publishing as mobile Type, you can copy and paste it to smartphone and tablet, and open it via Focusky Android or IOS App.



Publish as PDF

Publish the presentation as PDF document.