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How to add texture to text

Focusky allows you to add the texture to text and make the presentation characteristic. Here is the tutorial to show how to add texture to text.

In addition to inserting text to your presentation, there are also many different kinds of texture from Focusky for you to choose, which makes your presentation more distinctive.

Appreciate the video tutorial to learn how to add texture to text.

1Insert Text

You can insert your text in two ways. Click the "Insert - Text(T)" icons in the convenient toolbar to add text or click the "T- Add text" buttons in the element toolbar to insert text.

Add texture to text

2Select Text

You need to select the text before adding the texture.

Add texture to text

3Add Texture

After selecting your destination text, clicking the "Texture" icon, you will find various kinds of texture, and select the one you want.

Add texture to text
