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How to Customize 3D Shape

This tutorial is going to tell you how to add and customize 3D shapes for your presentation with Focusky.

You can easily create a 3D presentation with animations. Adding 3D shapes for your presentation would make it much more interactive and attractive. 3D shapes customization makes your presentation outstanding among others.

1Add a 3D Shape

Click [Shape] and go to the [3D Shape]. Choose one of a 3D shapes and draw a shape on the canvas.

customize 3D shape

2Customize the 3D Shape

1) Customize the [Color]and [ Opacity] of your shape.

customize 3D shape

2) Customize the [ Rotation] of axis X, Y, and Z of your shape.

customize 3D shape

3) You can switch the graphic mode between [Filled] and [Unfilled]

A: Under the [Filled] mode, you can customize the [Light] on the shape.

customize 3D shape

B: Under the [Unfilled] mode, you can customize the [Border Size] for the 3D shape.

customize 3D shape
