In previous tutorial "How to Add Objects to Path", it shows how to add objetcs to path. Actually you can also do this in the Path Edit mode. This tutorial will show you how to edit paths in your presentation.
Focusky tutorial to show you the simplest way to navigate your presentation with left siderbar.
Smart zoom features is one of the popular features of Focusky. Focusky enables you to apply smart zoom features simply to emphasize your content.
Focusky allows you to have a free control of your presentation. Customizing the duration of each path in your presentation is beneficial for displaying your content preferably.
A logic path in Focusky presentation gives you a fresh experience. During editing, it is easy to delete the repeated path of the same object for better presentation.
Focusky gives you an appealing video presentation and the attractive transition effects by stunning paths in different angle. In this case, you will get stunning animation presentation easily.
Cloning a path (frame) in presentation results in amazing presenting effect. It
is beneficial for emphasizing specific content. Furthermore, it makes a difference when you decide to present the amazing zooming effect in your presentation.
Adding subtitling and voice narration to the path can increase comprehension. It benefits audiences to understand your presentation better. Indeed, caption and voice enhance presenting atmosphere.
Setting suitable delay time of the path can well present your presentation. It results in wonderful path transition and thus brings great experience to your audiences.
With amazing transition, your ideas are presented in a dynamic and fascinating way. This animated movie-like experience is sure to surprise audiences.
Path plays such an important role in presentation. Knowing how to edit path in an innovative way is wonderful. Focusky therefore provides useful tips for you to customize your paths. It is sure that your well-designed paths will give audiences a great enjoyment.
Customizing duration of path makes your content presented completely and effectively. Focusky therefore provides two simple ways for you to set different duration for different path.